Thursday, 2 August 2007

Am I old?

Sometimes I wonder if it is the fact that I interact with a lot of older people that I tend to think very differently from others.. I wonder if it is from those people who have walked the way ahead of me and shared their life experiences with me which enabled me to have a very different perspective of things and of life..

I believe in teaching, helping others plan their life, helping others to have a smoother transition in life, helping others to have a more gentle learning curve by sharing whatever knowledge that I have.. And yet all I get was people trying to guess what 'ill intention' do I have or what 'ulterior motive' do I have that I am so willing to share so much.. Hey.. what's so so so so so wrong about sharing and helping? What's so difficult about believing that everyone helps everyone out of kindness and not for selfish gains? Is it because nowadays we are living in a society that everything comes with a cost and everything must come with a reward or incentive before someone is willing to do nice things to others? Is technology helping us or is technology bringing the new generation further and further away from being human? just being human..

I'm pretty sadden by several things that happened these few days with things that people assume.. must I really be just be selfish to avoid having people trying to guess what other agendas do I have up my sleeves? Should I just act blur live longer? I think this mentality of people being kung-fu masters must be changed so that everyone will be happier and gain more. Kung-fu masters actually get better as they teach their disciples because they will study more into the skill before they can actually teach.. Same theory goes to studying because if we are able to teach someone something that you learnt, you will be much much better in it yourself.

Freshies who are reading this.. I just wanna say that, I am helping you guys because I think this phase of life, the transition from JC/Poly to uni is an important phase and if it is not planned and handled properly, it may disrupt your uni life which I why I am eagerly sharing what I know with you all. Some people may be enrolled into SDE alone and I want to let them at least have a senior to look for when he/she has a problem and not to be helpless. If you felt that I am too pro-active that you felt uncomfortable, please tell me. I don't like people to talk behind my back. All I want is to help you without anything in return so please don't return anything and worse still return with negative stuffs. I still love you guys as much and I'm still as warm to help, so please don't make me turn cold and just keep to myself. Be more humane and love one another. Keep friendship.. Don't break them.. Words hurts..

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