Monday, 13 August 2007

Ultimate tension of the Opposites

Should I or should I not? There are so many things now at this juncture that I will need to make decisions and they may change the way my life is going to turn out to be.

Should I take 7 modules?
Should I run for Sports Director or President?
Should I continue fencing?
Should I aim to complete in 3.5 years or 4.0 years for my uni?

This is what I like and also dislike about life. We decide our own destiny.. We decide on which path to take. We decide on what our life is going to turn out to be. So what is it installed for me? What do I need to do? If I decide to take 7, I may have to give up running for pres and perhaps drop fencing too. I need some peace.. I need some time to reflect on things here.. *ohm*


Anonymous said...

Live a balanced life. There are so many things that you will never get to experience it again once you miss them. Seize the moment. The future is too unpredictable for all your incessant plannings.

Anonymous said...

take your time and enjoy your studies lah.... what's the rush?

studying is like a holiday... working is a pain in the less.

so... try 4 years.

mr foxtrot